Brief Sunshine & a Pinata...

 A pinata - is something very pretty and colourful that costs over £10.00
There is a hole in the top that you can stuff with small toys and sweets and screwed up paper / foil and jokes and hats and stuff like that.
And then you have a large heavy stick and give that to a group of blindfolded children... once you have spun them around a few times... and stepped well back...
And then they bash it to pieces.
Honestly - the best fun we have had in AGES!! i highly recommend it.
 The other thing that i feel is worth saying is,
Paperchase do sell an awesome and unparalleld array of bright funky stationary and wrapping and stuffs.
All that pretty colour... why don't other shops sell great stuff like this??
And finally, in all this rain we have had this week.... in the 2 hours i  needed warm sunshine,
there it was...
and i think it was because i had been a very good girl. And SHE has been a very very good girl, and together we invited lots of good girls over, to help celebrate everbodys good-ness.

Conclusion: moments like these are precious (and exhausting) and fleeting.
Happy Birthday Baby xxx


  1. Happy belated birthday smallfish!

    Hey my lovely Fishy, how's you? xx

  2. Oh it looks fabulous!! Haha!! Any piƱata related injuries?!! Xx


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