Amazon trial....

 So.... The beautiful Craft Jourmal from Pip Lincolne has gone :(
But as i parcelled it up i realised how much i just love my books and journals....
 I often take a Craft reference book or Cookery book to my bed with me.
It is a lovely relaxing and inspiring way to end my day.
I never get tired of reading my favourite reference books over and over again.
So i am trialling this Amazon gadget - in which i can direct readers straight to Books (and other stuff) on Amazon, if you wanted to see about getting your own (when i have no more to giveaway *sniff*)
anyhow - here is a link to Pip's gorgeous journal on Amazon.
AND >>> i also have a SEARCH AMAZON box on my right side widgets, if you want to whizz off and look at Amazon yourself. Cool huh?

I am not here to just 'sell' you stuff but, IF I  think it's worth a look - i'll tell you about it :)
Thanks xxx
