£1 Fun Sales...

 Postage prices have gone up.
It was horrible and painful - what are the overseas customers going to say when they SEE those postage prices?? *sigh* i have taken the price of 1 or 2 items a little leaner to try and compensate but it still feels so nasty.
 The only way i could think of to add a bit of fun and soften the blow...
was to add occasional and 'sudden' flurries of £1 sale bags.
I am going to move even further into bulk selling rather than the smaller quantities so i need to move bits on.
I also thought it might prove to be good bits of Promo... Buttons at a single golden £1 just for fun.
 So, if you are popping over to the shop (BigFish primarily) for any button / ribbon stashing then have a quick scour through some other pages as i will be secreting cool £1 offers over the next few weeks.
Now, it is hailing heavily outside so i am cozying up and sewing some cute owls for the SnowFish shop.
Show n Tell later???
