Pretty Felt Fancies for your Crafty Embellishments and other colourful craftiness!

 So... after a request, i have made up some amazing bags of 2.5inch squared wool felts.
Over 75 pieces in each bag of FELT FANCIES and almost all are different colours, there may be the odd double.
 So much fun for small projects / patchworking / kids clubs / embellishments.
I love all the subtle shades - you'll never be without that exact colour you need.
 And above are these lush flowers. These retail at over £6.50 per metre in other haberdashers but i am putting some in the shop at a discount £3.90 per metre. Love these. 
And finally more colour to dazzle you with.
Premature neon stars for the SnowFish shop.
So. much. COLOUR!!!
