Making your Zoom Parties that bit better...

When I originally formulated my plan for WORLD DOMINATION THROUGH POMCROWNS... we were headed out of Lockdown and, I thought, back toward the festival / party / celebration season. 
I was so painfully wrong. 
But no matter! 
Many of you LOVED wearing your Christmas Crowns in online Christmas Family gatherings. And it gave us all a real sense of the glam.
So i carried on making them and retailing them for alllll of us who want to: stay in our comfy clothes BUT dress our faces for the screen time...
There is so much joy and delight - so uplifting! To turn up on screen in clothes or accessories that can brighten a day. It makes you feel good. It makes other people feel good.
I’ve had lots of teachers buying PomCrowns as a way of engaging their classes - helping the kids feel more inclined to looo at the screen and engage with their wonderful hard working tutor! (WELL DONE TEACHERS!!) 
But so many parties have been missed - there are a million occasions to pop a Crown on your head and help yourself to feel fabulous. 
One day soon... we’ll be wearing all our best stuff for parties and festivals and celebrations. For sure. 
Unless... of course... you are an introvert, in which we will stay home some more!! But celebrate that fact “we could go to a party if we really wanted to”
This is my amazing Teen - she does a way better job of modelling these than me. But the Crowns are designed for adults / Teens in mind - or children with stronger necks / larger heads 😅
They are not heavy but really comfortable and very secure. 
Will I see you at a festival one day? Wearing one of these? 
I’ll upload all the designs I have - but there are some ready and available to GO in the shopHttp://
Gorgeous people - take care xxx 
