It's been a whirlwind the last few weeks... mourning the loss of time and events from the last 18mths yet slowly easing back into a new way of being sociable / meeting friends / being together...
And, for me, majorly so! As my main income is as a Fitness Instructor and Health Coach.
Re-organising my coaching so that people can finally train together somehow.
I am LOVING being back!!
I am also loving WEARING CLOTHES again! I had forgotten how much fashion / style / getting dressed / being creative can be so energising and fun. It's prompted me to want to get on and make loads of new Beaded Stacker style bracelets.
These are fun to make and really relaxing to sit and string.
I am planning on making these into a workshop soon - so anyone can come along and string their own designs together. It's always a bit harder than you imagine it might be... to choose that final design.
And... usually its the children who come up with THE best combinations. Letting their own hearts rule their heads and just thread on whatever catches their eye.
For me, of course, it always comes back to colours and colour combinations.
The joy and happiness that I get from making and wearing these. And there are always so many great combinations and possibilities.
We went to Caffeine & Machine for the night - this week. And it was filled with all people, different in their age / culture / fashion... but united for their love of the cars and the vibe. Its the same with any passion or hobby or interest. That amazing BUZZZzzzz of being amongst people who give you life.
It can be a place you "go to see..." or a place where you go "to be seen..." and each is legit and totally part of the experience. What a great place.
I'd love to have a huge house / business like that... where people come together and see / look / be seen / appreciate / chat / share / passion... Instagram can be like... when it's behaving at it's best.
Don't be afraid to LOOK or to BE SEEN. We don't need to hide away. We need to share and celebrate and enjoy and LIVE. Take Care Darlings - keep on living your big best lives xxx
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